Sunday, March 6, 2011

On Our Vacation To Disney world


The day before we  left on our  vacation we couldn't find my camera  so we looked for it.

The next day we left  early. When we got there we were tired.

We looked around ,then we went to our Resort Saratoga Springs  room. Here's some pictures of our resort IMG_1056


                              The Grandstand is the area we stayed in



                                      this is the building we stayed in







                                                             here's Daddy's favorite character,Donald Duck.


Here’s the real thing.  There were ducks and baby ducks all over.

IMG_0934                      Cinderella’s Castle at Magic Kingdom. On the last day we bought a 2011 Disney Magnet to put on the refrigerator.


           A picture of the Castle at night.  It changes colors before the fireworks.

It felt like a long flight, on the flight home.  I was glad to be home and the dogs were happy to see us.

Does anyone in our family like airplanes as much as I do?